Monday, January 24, 2011

the way i luv u

He is sensible and so incredible
And all my single friends are jealous
He says everything I need to hear and it’s like
I couldn’t ask for anything better
He opens up my door and I get into his car
And he says you look beautiful tonight
And I feel perfectly fine

But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
And it’s 2am and I’m cursing your name
You’re so in love that you act insane
And that’s the way I loved you

Breakin’ down and coming undone
It’s a roller coaster kinda rush
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that’s the way I loved you…

He respects my space
And never makes me wait
And he calls exactly when he says he will
He’s close to my mother
Talks business with my father
He’s charming and endearing
And I’m comfortable

But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
And it’s 2am and I’m cursing your name
You’re so in love that you act insane
And that’s the way I loved you
Breakin’ down and coming undone
It’s a roller coaster kinda rush
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that’s the way I loved you

He can’t see the smile I’m faking
And my heart’s not breaking
Cause I’m not feeling anything at all
And you were wild and crazy
Just so frustrating intoxicating
Complicated, got away by some mistake and now

I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
It’s 2am and I’m cursing your name
I’m so in love that I acted insane     
And that’s the way I loved you
Breaking down and coming undone
It’s a roller coaster kinda rush
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that’s the way I loved you oh, oh
And that’s the way I loved you oh, oh
Never knew I could feel that much

Saturday, January 22, 2011

kembali ke jenan

ello2..wassup2..heheheh....even pnat pown..ak still gak nk tulis entry nie...heheheh..gigih an..pdahal keja belambak kowt x wat gan quiz y byk lak mgu nie..huhuhu...time org gah syok2 nk blik cti nie la nk wat quiz...huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....but now i dunt hav any feeling to stdy oke...pnat...haha...uppss..kan da terpesong da...back to da topic asl oke..hehehh...nuril..jgn mara ak ekh..ak tau entry kt ku kesah...ari nie actually ak br je baek demam..nk ceta gak an..tb2 shue n ima ajk ak pg jenan..hah jenan???xcited wooo...rndu kowt...tnyata ak owg pling smangt kowt...TERciap awl..miahahaha...ak xtau pown si pendek tue ikot sma...beliau adalah cik ilyia malek...smpai2 ja tros p panggung...main point ima...hahahah...kempunan ima nk tgk ceta khurafat...coz seat ad 1 je...nti kt tgk wyng kat lappy ye ima..hehehhe...then pg mgisi prot y ksong...kedai mak cik hamidah...masih ingt kwn2..heheheh...kdai sasaran time oting dlu2...heeeee...pas cr brg tros ke tmpat y nk dtuju...skema kowt ayat..hahahah....iaitu jenan...sumpah rndu sgt2....msok dorm dak2 andeka suma terjerit2..xcited la sgt an...hahahah..ak mencapup kat andeka lu coz mlu nk msok dorm sorg2...heheheh...sengal an...qid..fina..yani..wawa..aishah..jah..tasnim...jom la p pendeta...huhuhu...gosip2 cket gan f5 andeka...ceta tue..ceta nie..aiyaaa..manyak wooo....mmg xckop sehari..hahahah...tgk sn brubah...cnie brubah...adoi...rndu kowt...mcm2 da tmbah..hmm...conclusionnya..skola makin kaya..hahahahah...then,ad la f5 pendeta ajk ak msok dorm..ak gan mka slumber p la an..hahahah...mluuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....pling xbley bla ad soklan sorg dak nie...dia tny ak...kak mira da kawen ke????......wut???? hah???sokln apakah itu...nmpak cm ak da kawen ke...alahai dik ooii...diploma pown br sem 2...umo pown masih 18 taun...hahahah....sabo jela...nasib baek xtny ak da ad ank blom....mau pengsan ak kat ctue....heheheh...mcm2 la...pnat cot cet..pot pet...smpai xsedor 6 lbh da kowt...hahahah..pompuan bl da lm xjmp an..besa la dpt kumpul 1 batch kat jenan an....xley imagine how was dat moment....huhuhu...kwn2..nty kt gather2 kat jenan eh...rndu sgt...adios~

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

oh! no......................................

weeeeeeeeeee ~
cm cuak kn tjok entry,i should make a revision on math u know,tp bleyh plak nk tulih2 belog bnda pown nk ceta...lalalal~...ak wat math,bek xyah nk serabot kpala,then ngadap lappy nie..merapu kat belog..hahahah...sila jgn ikot oke...or else, u do it on ur own btoi ke x ayt ak nie..lantak la..maap ;a ye.bel ak ckop2 mkn je...xterrer omputih bai...hahahah...actually,ak tension + skit kpala + xpham n mcm2 lg la nk wat math nie...haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!huaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!...huh! adoyai....hmm..da tau xpham bleyh plak dok lyn fb..pastu tulih belog...haaiiissshhhh....(bebelan ati..heeeeeeee) kalo on9 fb nie pastu kua jwpan math ang tue,xpela gak mirah oooiiii...
math dis sem sgt ssh tahu!i was so scared whenever i think about it......huh! ak lmh math...dats why la...tatooott...tatooott..tattooottt..............................dah! mlas nk tulih da...heeeeeee.....jgn mrah oke coz ak tulih belog cmnie ari nie....
ad ke muka tension cmni....miahaahah

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


ak msok 2nd sem..lalalal..bangga la pulok 2 ari kowt..(kemarin + ari nie) da trasa pnt y amat sngt..hahahah...yola..lm dok umh rhat ja..mkn..tdoq..mkn..tdoq..lumrah la kan..dpt cti lm2..hahha..sp swoh uitm bg ct lm2 an....xbg ct nk ct..da bg ct pot-pet lak an...heheh..nie la stdudent kn..oke..ak actually nk ceta sal sem 2 y br 2 ari start...xcited sgt...smpai xdan tgu smgu dl...heheh..oke,1st day clas uh...tgok jadual clas...lab phy n chem...(cm xdok ja...*dlm ati)  tp nk wat cmna an...nk jd best student la konon gak...for ur information..even xda owg tny pown,tp nk gtau gak... pg tue hjan sgt la gak lam ujan pown...DEMI MENUNTUT ILMu....hish..ayat poyo an...hahahah..bkn ak sowng kayh...1 klas..dok canggak kat dpan lab tue..tgu smpai bp mnit ntah...ttba..jeeenggg..jeeenngg..lecturer chem ak time part 1 lalu ....PN.ANISAH...mish ur lecture pn..huhuhu.. dia pown tny...

pn: klas ap nie?
us: lab phy pn....(nada sopan oke)
pn: eh..lab slalunya xstart 1st day kowt...kalo kat cnie..lab slalu start 1 week after sem start..hmm..pham2 sndiri la ye...
us: km pown rs cm tu pn...(bengong..da tau xdok p gak..hahahah)
pn: jap sy col org y berkenaan...*suma xknl ag lecturer phy tue...peace..

pas pn ckp2..damn..mmg lab xdok wooii...hahahah.pdan muka xbesa lak an...tau lab xdok p gak..heeeeeeee..
p/s : kn da men ujan free2..hahahah

*** 2nd day ****
klas ari nie dr pkoi 8.00 smpai koi 4.30...kat blok c....start gan bel..sgt curious nk tau lecturer2,smngat la gak nk msok klas...hahahah...pas bel..klas biology...kat klas y sm,xda la grak mn2...then...tgu pny tgu..lecturer bio msok..oke..lecturer sporting...smangat nk blaja bio nie..hahahha...klas abes koi 10.50...klas start blik koi 11.00..see..bp mnit ja gap...then,klas tue kat blok F..F? kat mn tue???xpnh dgaq pown..damn..upanya bgunan br ciap uh..sgt jaoh oke dr blok c ke blok f tue..da la jln kaki...kalo ad tren lam u kan besh..hahha..berangan..sp nk nk sponsor wooiii...heeee...lam ms lbh krng 10 mnit...xlbh xkrng rushing2 kowt pg sn..da la xtau klas tue kat mn xda la smpai melenggang tue still ad...pompuan la kt kan..hahah..smpai kat blok lak klas km..F236...sumpah xtau kat mn..pastu,nmpk la ad 2-3 student + mak cik y keja kat bgunan tue kowt...tgah smbang2..n tgk smthing...u know wut...pelan bangunan uh..hahahha...pny la smpai cmtu skali..ak rs xda la besor mn pown bgunan km sesat gak cr blik klas km..hehehhe...bangunan 2 tinkat,tp ad lift..hbat km still bengong2 tngga gak...nk xcersicela konon kn...pastu smpai klas,tercunggap2...ambik skali..hahahah..dpendek ceta..lecturer phy ak msok...dia tny la...

nie...da dpendekan dialog dia..heeee
pn: kamo dr klas mn td...
Us: blok C
pn: blok C????? *nada terkejut...
us : tersengih...lalallal..
pn :jaoh tue...

see...lecturer ak y naek keta own ckp y jln nie..hahahah...sangat pnat oke ari nie..klas ptg lak start gan lg..shari 2 X bio..hadoyai...than ngantok..mnguap suma ad la..hahahha...ptg2..besa la...heeeee...mcm time laen xngantok..hahahha...ckop la kowt..ak pown da pnt...hahahah..


p/s: xmao msok gmbq coz pnat sgt..hahahha...*alasan